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My Wisdom Cometh from Thee

April-June 2012

The health police has descended.

Working in a district health clinic provided me considerable amount of opportunities to attend health related training and courses. They may not involve the subject I was going to pursue in my master's programme in the future, but it has enriched my experience in terms of district health department's role in maintaining the community's overall health.

We abhor Shigella, Salmonella & Cholera 

Firstly we arrived unexpectedly at a school canteen to conduct spot-check on premises cleanliness and food hygiene. That included their food counter, kitchen environment, eating tables, storage room and dish washer. Rodents and flies were a big No-no to prevent human contraction of Leptospirosis and Cholera respectively. All in all, the school canteen were penalized on certain health matters and were given 2 weeks to rectify their problems before our next follow-up inspection.

Greetings, you certainly need these free mosquitoe nettings. 

As Jempol consisted of huge areas of Felda palm oil estates, our state healthy ministry had managed to establish sufficient district health centers to cover every local community. As Malaria and Leptospirosis were rampant in rural estate setting, health measures were carried out by creating community awareness and early risk detection. That served the function and objectives of primary health center, which was prevention of disease: early risk detection followed by eradication. 

Some parts of Malaysia are still part 3rd world country.

Morning chat over tea and instant noodle.

One day, I had the chance of tagging along our health officers in distributing medicated mosquitoes netting. We traveled into 1 of the aborigines (Orang asli)'s settlement and were greeted with dilapidated wooden huts and poor state of accommodation hygiene. Amidst the litters everywhere were stray scavenging dogs. The women, children and elderly were leisurely passing time while the males went out managing the plantations. We handed them over the mosquitoes netting and reminded them to use it, before embarking to the nearest urban premises for Dengue habitat inspection. 

Future disc jockeys? Nah..more like percussionists.

Mami is a She-hulk, or female Hercules.

By now Nana and Peter were becoming inseparable. The bond they shared were of siblings, rivals for Mami's attention and besties aka companionship especially at the babysitter's house. At that moment Peter was still defenseless against Nana's occasional provocation, but he sure knew how to cried aloud to attain Mami's sympathy and affection. Nana not wanting to be on the losing end, cried her way as well into Mami's heart.

Saddest part was that both of them weren't really fond of Papa whenever Mami was around. Nana and Peter were both so attached to her that only Mami can pacify them whenever they were moody and needy. Times when these rascals were too much to handle, Mami started lashing out on me, faulting me for their behavior. I came to realize that with me always absent due to extra work commitment, I had gradually grown distant from my family, so much so Karling had very short-temper towards me.   
Mami says, "They ain't heavy, just a little noisy".

The weather is so hot, and that bath was soo refreshing.

Perhaps I downplayed the importance of providing Karling with a sense of trust and security that every women needed. Things didn't help that I was always socially-inert, less-expressive and reluctant to discuss any outside trouble with her. Nana and Peter also didn't quite like me because I have assumed the role of a traditional disciplinarian rather than a cool playful dad.   

Fixing up the glass and stainless steel staircase frame.

Sneak peak of the masterbedroom.

Simple and confined wardrobe for simple and frugal couple.

Mean time Papa was running up and down between Jempol and Seremban to oversee the house renovation plus cabinets construction. I remember making multiple trips just to find the most ideal interior designer cum renovation expert, mainly taking into consideration cost and affordability. Prior to any major project, we had already spent Rm5000 to set up wrought iron grill outside doors and windows around the whole house.

Without any recommendation from any one, since we were the earliest among our peers to own a house in Seremban, we put our faith in a local based renovation company called Dreamer Concept, to transform our new home into a dreamer's paradise. 1st stage plumbing and wiring, which included fixing additional power sockets. Hacking of walls were inevitable where air conditioner needed to be fixed. Simultaneously the backyard was converted into the wet kitchen, where a concrete table top was built and tiles were laid.

The new car's car seat is as comfy as any mattress

What makes me happy? Both Papa and Mami at home.

That's right, we didn't extend out the kitchen because that would cost an additional Rm20k. Stage 2 was plaster ceiling over the living plus dining hall, and inside all 4 rooms of the house. Not being fond of wallpaper, we repainted the walls with different shades of light colours according to rooms, the master piece being the designer's wall painting in the master bedroom and downstairs hall.

During this time me and Karling acquired our lighting and fans from KL Home Dec Expo. We signed promotional package that enabled us to purchase a variety of fancy lighting at discounted rate. After that was settled, Stage 3 commenced: setting up of lighting, fans, air-conditioner, bathroom appliances, while the built in kitchen and bedroom cabinets were simultaneously erected. Finally, we bought and moved in new furniture in stages keeping with our budget constraint.

Oh, so this toy goes on top of the head (and covers the eyes)like this?

Peter has inherited the over-sweatiness from me. 

To keep up with the demand of moving to our new home, Papa and Mami had to take turns working locum in private clinic and hospitals, albeit Papa did more overnight shift because there was no on calls in district primary health center. During those times, Nana and Peter spent the bulk of the day at their babysitter's home, playing, eating, bathing and napping together. Although they weren't communicating in words with each other, Nana and Peter were inseparable, their sound were like synchronized music playing non-stop throughout the day. 

When I grow up, I wanna be more tech-savvy than Papa.

I know I look cool when i dress up like this.

Except for when they were sleeping, the high pitch voice of their excited squeal, joyful laughter, insecure crying echoed in the hall. After fetching Nana and Peter from the babysitter, we had dinner together, then play time resumed until they got cranky, which was a sign for bedtime. Sometimes if they had napped too long at the babysitter's it would be harder from them to fall asleep. Basically Nana and Peter's life were blissful and carefree, as long as either Mami or Papa's presence was felt. 

Nana: "Ssshh Peter, don't let Papa know we're fighting for this car, lest you want some spanking."
Peter: (peeing in napkin)..don't tell!

Nana: "You blew our cover Peter. Now I got this green color horse".
Peter:" Ya. And I got spanking..wuu~"

I wonder how Karling felt on nights when I wasn't around but working night shift locum in Seremban. Struggling to convince herself that this arrangement was for the better good, she must have felt lonely and neglected being left alone with the children. Don't get me wrong, Karling absolutely adored and love our energetic double trouble, only she craved my presence to offer more support and stability at home.

I would understand that feeling perfectly especially when I became a sit-home father when Mami was holding Jempol's district hospital together alone at night. At times like those I missed Karling watching over the kids with me and spending time together as a family. I became very impatient and nearly every time lost my temper towards my tender little children, which I've regretted. If I had a 3rd child, I would certainly be a softer man.

One of the few indulgence of the a child: BATH TIME!!!

To tell frankly I wasn't well-equipped to be a father when Nana arrived. I was still a lesser man, sorting myself out and stumbling along the way. I'm sorry that Karling, Nana and Peter had to be on the receiving end of my shortcomings. Furthermore I was relentless in my pursuit of a better life that I failed to cherish what really mattered, the ones already waiting for me at home.

Maybe my faith wasn't strong enough. The Bible said "the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want". If I had learnt to listen to the righteous inner voice within me, I would have made better judgement. Therefore, the insight I've gained from the reflection of this blog, would be to make this my prayer: God, teach me (how) to love my children more. 

The other indulgence: Mum..mum..(eating). It makes Papa happy to see munching deliciously.
The Lord fills your cup, Papa.