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The End of Maternity Leave

March 27th, 2010
2 mths old Nana

Blue   : Ivan
Purple: KarLing
Pink   : Chistiana

Since the "traumatic" DIY haircut for Christiana, she somehow looks rounder and chubbier, truly living up to her nickname "Botak Na", given by me her father. By this time, she is smiling more eventhough most of the time looking "stoned". Still, its not easy to catch her smiling on camera so when we did, we would savor the picture with sense of achievement.

By now Karling is in her 3rd month of maternity leave. Was she still feeling a bit of postpartum blues? 
I guess so..although she cherish the time taking care Nana, she's starting to get restless and fidgety at home and sometimes get moody if we don't go out. So this month we spent most of the weekend
bringing Nana on a live national geographic channel, in other words "jalan-jalan".

Hahaha..I'm finally 2 months old...

Sniff..sniff..papa left for work.. Now mummy's going back to work soon too..;-(

Finally, i brought Christiana back home to Subang. Of course it is an improvement for her in terms of space (the house is bigger) and climate (there's ac!!). And grandpa grandma adore the presence of the latest addition admist the extra noise at the backround of their favourite soap.
And her 2 aunties (my sis) will come to visit and play in her AC sleeping chamber.
At night, we will go out to Subang Parade for dinner at our favourite family restaurant
Manhattan Fish Market and make Nana salivate at all the delicious food she can't bad~
Be Yi, ur face looks funny from this angle..

I'm getting all the love from Er Yi and Be yi..:-)

Why can't i have fish and chip? Not fair!..woo~woo~

Bluek..jealous or not my mummy hug me so tight..

Nana's daily life became more routine. But her sleeping time was still haywire. She would sleep long hours during the day and wake up only to feed. Needless to say, she would wake
up intermittently at wee hours of the night.
I would try to play with her and keep her entertained by talking, telling stories, singing, even make her watch House with me;-p, jz to keep her awake but in the end she would still look as drowsy as a
drunkard (as described by her father) and i had to put her to sleep.
In the end i have to sleep together with Nana to cope with her sleeping pattern. 
Nyum..nyum..hhmm..Taste so nice..i'm definitely dreaming.


Uuuuu...Ahhh..My name is Nana..;-P

Nana is a very demanding and attention-seeking child hence becomes bored easily.
Whenever she is awake, i will either have to carry her or play with her or otherwise, she will start crying.
My parents say i spoil her too much and sometimes i think i do too but when i hear her crying so loudly,
it hurts me and i rather be the one to suffer than her.

Anyway, she loves aerobics so i would on the music and exercise her hands and legs in dance motion according to the beat. Ivan would find it amusing and come join in the fun to
 give her a good workout. Nana on the other hand would smile broadly and
coo so sweetly it melts our hearts, that its hard to imagine what a menace she
 can be whenever she starts crying.

 Hehehe..mummy, daddy, stop tickling my legs..
Nana's spine became stronger and she enjoys sitting up though she cant do it without support.
I would sit her up on the bed and support her back with two pillows while playing with her or taking pictures of her. I think it is more of me entertaining myself then Nana enjoying herself..
She's so big. When she sits up, she looks like an 8 month old child.
 And i must say that some 1 year old children i have seen in the peadiatric wards are smaller than Nana..

Do i look "stoned"?..
..(btw what's taking papa so long to come back?)

Yo dude..whatcha doing?
...(give me milk milk stat.)

Then 1 day after cheng beng in Melaka, Popo came down to visit with the
main intention of seeing the bright star of the family, her granddaughter. 
Same time we went up together to KL to meet Nana's uncle Chi Phoy, who's studying in UKM.
We brought Nana to walk around Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, which is just beside Chi Phoy's student hostel.
It was a sunday and there were alot of crowd, we had to cover Nana's nose from the carbon monoxide.
Nevertheless we had a great time at the park, showing Nana around and snapping pictures away..
although at times Nana still looked "stoned". :_l

Ooo popo, put me down so i can run..

Hmm..don't i look like a mushroom in the park?

Is that a bird? Is that a plane?..oh i give up..*yawn*~


Do u think papa and mama want me to be a world famous cook nxt time?

Nana became more and more curious. She would keep quiet and observe everything around her whenever she's at a new place. She looked like she's learning from the environment
and everything appears either funny or mesmerizing to her.
One of the things Nana is exposed to the most is food. Ivan and i love food and we always take the opportunity to enjoy ourselves with good and healthy food outside every now and then. Poor thing for Nana is that she will always look curiously at us what we eat and how we eat.:-p

As for today, grandma, Chi Phoy and us went to Pavillion's Tony Romas for a nice steak :-)

We are here to feed the malnourished university student Chi Phoy..
& grandma is trying to be young again..
Steak and Hawaian Chicken Salad at Tony Roma's.. Yum..Yum..
Let me taste..let me taste the steak daddy..

Then on 1 of the day, we celebrated Karling's belated birthday, so happened i was on-call on the actual day.
Bought her a eat-all-u-want cake. Then later neyney was introduced to her new i phone 3Gs, 
something she would never own or learn how to use unless given as a birthday present:-).
Happy 26th birthday Ney, from me and Nana, may your wish come true. :-x xoxo.  

The candlelight on the cake was as bright as her smile :-)

Surprise belated birthday cake
 By this time Nana has started to become more emotionally independant. She enjoys her bath time, can play with herself (for a while)after waking up and easier to console her after crying.
Nana is physically becoming stronger. She could push chest up in prone position, although she stil can't turn from supine to prone. Her legs are very strong and she's kicking all the time, especially when angry. Her head control is good now and doesn't keep head-butting papa uncontrollably like before.

Wee..~i'm so enjoying my bath..
Mummy, i'm not scared of water.

Papa..i enjoy being ur soft toy..hehe.

Ei..i didn't know frog and snail could fly..

As the end of April drew near, it dawned on me that i was going to start work soon. I started to feel sad and depressed that i would have to leave Nana behind. Each passing day i spend
 with Nana became more and more precious to me as the day for me to start work drew nearer.
But there was 1 thing that concerned me. Nana's sleeping pattern was still upside down.
I was worried that i wouldn't be able to cope working and staying up the whole night.
Nana was also refusing to drink from the bottle and only wants to suck from me.
She started to become more demanding the last few days.
I felt that she knew i was going to leave her soon therefore wanted to spend more time
 with me and demand for all of my attention.

Hei daddy, don't take me changing la..

I'm telling you ar, don't take Nana's picture without Nana's permission next time..

Who say Nana fat!?!? Bluek :-p
Hmmph!! Nana don't want to friend papa di!

Finally, it was the eve of my working day. Preparations was made to send Nana over to our babysitter who's also my aunty. Ivan and I spent those last few precious hours with Nana before putting her to bed.
 Surprising as it was, Nana slept through the whole night and only woke up the next morning when i woke her up to feed. It was as if she knew that the time has come, that her mother needed rest, that the day for her to grow up and be independant has finally arrived.
This day on would be a new challenge for us, all 3 of us...

Mummy, daddy, don't worry about Nana..Nana will be strong,
will make you 2 miss me even more..hehe. Mmuuacks :-x xoxo

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